4th of July Weekend

Yesterday I managed to finally fix my grill (replaced the burner - which had rusted out and other repairs) and then we headed over to the Mystic Seaport - and witnessed by far the lamest parade I ever saw. I think it was suppose to be a parade as they were long ago. If that's the case - parades really sucked back then. Anyway - the kids had fun washing and drying laundry at the seaport museum. That's what wenches' did back in the day - right up there for fun with the parade I suppose.
Julia's birthday was today - and we launched it in fine form by washing cars. Jen's was devistated by seagulls at the beach parking lot Friday - and I couldn't handle driving around Mystic with the seagull shit on it anymore - so I set the kids to work. Following lunch, I loaded Julia into the stroller and jogged her over to Noank. It was a 5.7 mile round trip - but I took it easy - you can't really go balls-out with a 5-year old in the stroller. And we stopped at the little beach in Noank for about 10 minutes to look at little crabs wander about. The rest of the weekend was filled in with me trying to watch the Versus network's Tour de France [this works from work!!! Not that I'd ever do that - for an entire month - while working] coverage, which I find fascinating. Something about the combination of the helicopter view of the rolling French countryside, narated by the British commentators I really find calming and relaxing. Anyway - week's off to a good start.
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