Ahhh summer. Almost anyway. It's still hovering in the high 60s here. Yesterday I went to Abbott's for Lobster and Beer with people from work, then went Kayaking for a few hours out at Bluff Point, and finished the day off with some ball room dancing with my lovely wife. Today, I woke up late and the kids and I biked over to Cutler middle school for the start of the Tour d'Noank - which I mercifully couldn't run do to my daddy daycare duties. With some time to myself before lunch today, I headed over to the decidedly less-hilly Fitch high track and did some intervals - a reverse ladder: 1600, 1200, 800, 400 and 200. I ran the mile balls out - and did it in 6:16 - a little slower than my pace for the last few years - but it wasn't a race - so not too surprising I suppose. I knew I couldn't finish the workout running at that intensity - so I slowed the pace for the 1200 - finsishin in 5:12 (6:56 pace). Finishing off: 3:16 (6:32) 800, 1:32 (6:08) 400 and 0:42 (5:36) 200. Gotta love the 200s. I don't have many more intervalls planned - but I may try and do about 20 200s as a workout later in the summer (if it ever shows).
For the week - a little over 15 miles running and a little under 5 'eq miles' biking - so about 20 miles overall.
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