6x1200 Intervals
The hardest/longest set of intervals was last night at the Conn College track. I got there an hour early - turns out that's when all the ladies from the team go - so that was nice. I managed to do the whole workout at 6:33 min/mile average (total interval distance is 4.75 miles). It felt *really* hard. The side of my face and neck was getting this cold tingling sensation for the last 3 intervals, but I just tried to slow a little and push through it.
Today I did 4.45 slow miles (8:13 min/mile) with Larry and Dave. Contrasted to yesterdays workout which felt hot and muggy, today was very nice - 60 degree temps. I struggled with the run a little anyway due to a combo cold/allergy thing I still have - or maybe the fact that it was miles 7, 8, 9 and 10 within a 20 hours of a difficult workout made for a sluggish run. Who knows? Hopefully I'll feel a little faster this Friday for another Tempo run.
Today I did 4.45 slow miles (8:13 min/mile) with Larry and Dave. Contrasted to yesterdays workout which felt hot and muggy, today was very nice - 60 degree temps. I struggled with the run a little anyway due to a combo cold/allergy thing I still have - or maybe the fact that it was miles 7, 8, 9 and 10 within a 20 hours of a difficult workout made for a sluggish run. Who knows? Hopefully I'll feel a little faster this Friday for another Tempo run.
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