Looking forward to the fall (cool weather!). A lot of this can change, but I like having some plans. Each week works out to ~25 miles. I tried to keep the track intervals pretty easy: only a few 400 and 600 burners (hopefully a 10x400 in August won't kill me). Then a progression: 1200, 1600 and 2000s. The hope is that my plantar fasciitis won't return. The 2000s are almost more like doable (I hope) tempo runs - probably at a 6:50 pace. I threw in the New Haven 20K, basically as a long tempo run - although I hope to start slow: 8:20s, and finish faster (~7:40s) - so hopefully it won't be too far off from last year. Realistically though - there is a good chance I don't run that race.
Saturday Update: Made it on a ~11 mile bike ride today. Perhaps longer - but I'm not really sure. It took me 25:30 to head out past Old Mystic via River Road, and then 23-flat coming back. The bike felt better. I'll try again Monday from work. My weekly equivalence mileage topped off at 25 - pretty good considering I only did 2.75 Friday/Saturday.
Labels: Bike, training schedule
This is great info to know.
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