I'll start with the good. I had a very nice weekend with friends and family that was topped off by heading over (for the first time) to the Lyman Arts center at Conn College for a stellar showing of Walter Wick's art. Mostly known for his I-Spy work - the creations like the one shown here were fascinating. To see it full scale was amazing. I loved the themes also. My 4 and 2 year old daughters were not as thrilled (a little too young) -but at least they got out of the house. Most older kids seemed to like the art very much - so I highly recommend seeing it - if it's shows up anywhere else.
This afternoon I made it out for a 5.3 miler - I'm pretty sure we motored along fast - as we finished in 41:13 - and that includes about 1 or 2 minutes after I took a spill - certainly sub 8:00's maybe around 7:30s. The new Dave motors even when he's going slow.
Now, the bad news. Looks like my company's merging/acquiring again. Unbelievable - especially considering how the last 2 turned out. This one looks to be an astonishingly bad fit - especially on the heals of the layoffs we just had. Is there no end to corporate greed?
Labels: art, run
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