6 More Weeks!

So, I made it out today for a good snowy winter run. I'm still loving this winter thing. We were suppose to get hammered by snow, but as the storm tracked east - the predictions of snowfall decreased to a few inches. My new Dave running friend, and Minnesota native, had absolutely no problem going out in the snow - and as expected it was really pretty nice out there. We did the normal route with both loops in ~42 minutes. That's probably about an 8:00 min/mile pace for the 5.3 mile circuit.
Winter is one of those things that you're just better off learning to love. Need proof? From the Nittany Line: Punxsutawney Phil "emerged" (read: was dragged from a deep sleep) from his hole and saw his shadow which somehow translates into 6 more weeks of winter. Considering this winter has been A) freakin' cold as Hell and B) started early, it's a safe bet to say that we are in a weather pattern that will carry this horrible winter on for a long time.
Horrible? Only if you enjoy running in sweeltering heat and installing window units. I've learned to love winter. So thanks Phil! I'll take the 6 weeks and put off Spring chores, watch college hoops and drink some more winter brews!
And be careful driving on those roads.

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