Brutal. Ugh. I went out today and did 2x2 mile "intervals" - which is really more of a tempo work. As shown in the Google Earth picture, I've mapped out a one mile stretch of road - relatively flat. I did the first 2 mile interval with near perfect 7:10 min/mile splits (14:20 total). I then wanted to slow the pacing on the 1st mile of the second interval - and did that one in 7:20, then came back with a 7:08 last mile. I wanted to get a feeling for pacing more than anything - and I feel like I did that pretty well. The work out killed though - feel pretty worn right now.
Last night I did the master's swim class again. I had my own half-lane - which was nice, but the swimming felt bad - poor breathing or something.
Labels: intervals, Swim, tempo
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