Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Am I Still Training for a Marathon Week?

So week 14 has been tough. I always imagined a glorious marathon taper. In reality - I still have to schlep my butt out every day for a run. My quads were pretty toasted after the Tarzan Brown run - so Monday I did and easy 5 miles over 46 minutes. I followed that up with 5 more easy miles on Tuesday [47 minutes this time]. Followed by another 5 'easy' miles today [46 minutes]. I decided my goal was to not get injured and try to avoid getting sick - which I of course have little control over. Anyway - tomorrow is a day off and Friday I'll gun for 15 miles. I realized that next week I also have to cram 31 miles into 5 days of running - so much for glorious taper mode. Yes, it's easier - but it's still a lot of running.



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