Saturday, December 08, 2007

This Best of 2007!

So I ran 8 races this year - so good, some not so good. Here's how I would rank them:
1. Tarzan Brown Mystic River Run - 5.5 Miles. This race has a great combination: close to home, a mid-distance (not too short, not too long), typically good weather - almost perfect this year. The last 2 years this has been my best run - so I must rank it number 1. If only they would bring back the long sleeve Ts...
2. Twilight Trail Run 7.4 miles. The weather sucks, the distance is long(er) and the terrain is undulating. For some reason this run always makes me feel like it's running season again. It probably helps that Bluff Point is Beautiful.
3. New Haven Road Race -20K. So I bonked a little in this one - but I'm looking forward to running it again, so I'll place it ahead of JP Morgan Chase on account that I like the distance better. It also helped that we took home some hardware in the corporate division. Now I need to figure out how to train for a long distance race through the month of August.

I had some bad races this year. Some were fine races that I just died in, like the first ever Niantic Bay 1/2. The Tour de Noank had the quadfecta: hot-humid weather, hills, two kids in a stroller and an oddly fast field of runners. At one point I could see the cop car trailing the last runner - almost behind me! But I regrouped, and running a race with kids is better than not running at all. And it certainly beats running on the wrong course, which is what I did - along with a few thousand other people - at the CVS Downtown 5k - this years dog-race of the year. A great race to be sure (I'll certainly go back), but come on people, that was just bizarre.


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