Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Gone but not for Groton.

And that is all she wrote.  My 13 year career at Pfizer in Groton is over today.  After ~8 years of lunch running - I figure I did this 5 mile loop at least 400 times in some form or another: loping loops (like today), off-track intervals, part of a tempo run or part of a longer loop.  Once I did this as part of my 22 miler prepping for a marathon.  I would like to thank my 4 main running buds: Dave Tingley, Larry James, Dave Bernardson and Greg Preston - for their friendship over the years.  It was a rare run that wasn't accompanied by one or more of those 4.  We've supported each other through having/raising kids, injuries, lay-offs, and enumerable corporate silliness.   Though what I'll remember most is being able to look forward to seeing a friend, getting out, and the day-to-day rambling discussions that evolve during normal runs. After every single run, I've felt better about life than I did before it.  What a great break in the day it's provided.

Hopefully this place will bounce back.  Hopefully I'll get to return often to visit (and run).  Hopefully my knees won't give out anytime soon.  Thanks for all the memories.



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