Saturday, May 02, 2015

Zoning In

Last week was spring break week which we spent at Disney Land and San Diego - a great trip - one of the best of my life - but completely devoid of meaningful exercise.  It was by design - a decision made in advance - but I knew I needed to have a good week this week.  Mission accomplished.

Did a very nice tempo run on Monday - the normal 4.7 loop - but the middle 3 was run at a sub-7:30.  Legs were very sore from 1 hour strength on Sunday (probably the most important of the 5 workouts).  I took Tuesday off because of the leg pain - but it was a good pain.

Wednesday they were feeling better - and I did the last hill work with Lar.  2x(45x90x120) - which felt pretty easy - since the hill flattens out at the top and the trip down gives you a nice blow.  We ended up running a little extra - 7 miles total.

Thursday was the topper - 9.9 miles home - much of it around 7:40 pace - probably the middle 6 miles.  Lar was really pushing it hard - and i was pretty much holding on.  The hill at arlington killed the overall pacing - but is probably really good training so i'm good with it.

Finally - another hour of strength this week.  Likely my best week in many years.  The only thing I need to hit harder next week is stretching.  I'll dial back the strength into more often shorter strength/stretch sessions - and concentrate on my 14-15 miler - probably on Thursday.  Week kinda stinks because i have Groton on wed - so i'll need to do mon,thr,friday runs....


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