Friday, February 03, 2017

A good run.

Last week ended with a fun two days of skiing at mt. snow.  Love getting out on the snow.  Kids did great.  Awesome weekend.  Went back to running on Monday - another in a series of slow slogs: 3.3 miles at a 8:53 pace.  Incredibly bad.   Didn't know i was capable of such a shit run.

Did a little better on the run home Wednesday: 4.1 at an 8:17 pace - but managed the first 3 under 8min/mile - so feeling better - and had a nice uphill to end it.  Nice and warm out that afternoon.  Managed to bring almost everything into work.

Thursday I did the reverse - back into work.  4 miles at a 7:43 pace.  Nothing to fancy here - downhill at a 7:38 pace (easy) - then did 7:54/7:53 - but felt like i was working for the next two.  Finished strong with a 7:32 mile.  Hopefully can get out for a longish run or intervals this weekend.


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