Friday, February 24, 2017

Friday Tempo

I did my first loop from my new workplace - my first non-pfe lunch run.  It was a really nice day out - so I couldn't resist.  The road down to the river is a bit longer than before - and felt like more lights.  Once on the river - it is very nice - in some ways a little better than the science loop.  Less crowded - although less people as well.  I decided to do a tempo today.  3 miles: 7:03, 7:20 and 7:08 - really was hurting that last mile - but i'm pretty happy with the overall pacing: 7:11.  I'll try and maybe do one of those over the next few weeks leading up to the 5k.  Total distance on the new loop is a little over 5.4 miles - probably extendable to 6 if I go to the anderson foot bridge.  Of course - it can be a good 8-12 if i push further east.


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