Thursday, June 11, 2020


I'll begin marathon training 6/29. As such, the next few weeks are fairly unstructured. I'm pretty tired of doing speedwork, but do want to keep doing a tempo a week. Last week I nailed the 2-mile tempo. Today I attempted my third 3-mile tempo of the speed-block. The first one I did back in early April (21:30, ~7:10 pace). The next one was late April (21:00, ~7:00 pace). I was really just aiming to match that time today, but did much better (20:27, ~6:49). I'm really happy with that - as it is much better than my historic 3M tempo paces. In addition, today was very humid and I had my mask up for a good chunk of that - so if we could run 5k races - I feel i'd be in pretty good shape. This weekend, I'll be trying a 6-3-3 over the day. The plan is to run the 6 - take a 20 minute break - then run the next 3. I'll then try another 3 miler later in the day. Starting to think about the backyard ultra - which I'm going to suck at - but would like try and do 25 or 29 miles.


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