Friday, October 24, 2008

The Tough Part... over! Yesterday I capped my Tarzan Brown training with my final set of intervals: 5x2000s (or, since I wasn't running on the track, 5x8:30s) on a run from my work in Groton, to my home in Mystic. I did the Mumford's Cove route, to add a little extra flat distance, since I didn't want to be doing an interval over the Brooke Street hill. The workout, like those before it, was difficult - but I think it actually felt better than the 2 previous ones. Maybe I'm pacing a little better, or running a little slower, or just getting a little stronger. Total mileage for the workout was 9.7 miles, which took 1 hour, 24 minutes (including breaks between intervals, which were 4:30).

This morning I biked the route back - but did the Brook Street hill - about 9 miles in 5o minutes, including some walking to let the blood back into my frost-bit feet. The ride felt good, but cold - I'm glad to be all warmed up now.

Mileage for the week was 18.75 miles running, plus 5.85 miles of cross training: 24.6 total. My largest in a while. Moreover, the week encompassed a little of everything: swim, bike, trail run, tempo run, intervals and long run. Next week I can take pretty easy - although I may hit a track for some 18x200s, or something - just to keep the legs use to moving fast.

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