Colchester Half

Today I ran the Colchester Half Marathon. I've had virtually no training, I really just wanted to catch up with one of my work running buddies who'd recently left. Nevertheless, I managed 1:49:19 - about 8:20 min/mile. Not bad - although it's a good min/mile slower than my best effort at this distance - it's actually my 2nd best time out of 5 half marathon efforts. So in that regard, I'm pleased. The course is tough - very hilly throughout with about 4 fairly steep climbs. I hit 8 miles at 1:05 (8:07), but then needed 44 minutes to cover the last 5.1 miles (8:38 pace). There were a lot of friendly folks from work there as well. One lent me money for the registration, another ran with me at the end even though she easily could've torched me at the end. Greg, my friend from work invited me back to his house after the run and his wife cooked up one of the best omlettes I've ever eaten. All in all, a great day.
Labels: colchester half, race
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