Raw Running
Windy and cold made for a miserable run yesterday. I did a figure 8 loop - the first half with Larry, we went reverse around work, then up Thomas road to the bitch. I did a 'pickup' mile on Thomas - although it was only around 7:40, then the bitch. And that was just the start. I then headed back towards work and did the normal reverse loop. It was cold, windy and shaffy. I finished it in 1 hour 4 minutes - probably about 7.8 miles. That counts for my long run. I'll try and do 4 miles at a 7:20-7:30 pace on Friday.
I'm still trying to document training plans - here is the Brooks 'less is more' from RW last Dec. Pro: shorter long runs, Con: running 6xweek. Maybe worth a go next fall.
Labels: long run, sneakers mile
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