Friday, April 20, 2012


I had mortgage issues all week.  It's been so stressful - I feel as though I need to concentrate to breath out.  Good thing I had my favorite swim workout scheduled today - It's all about breathing.  After my normal warmup: 2x50 fast; 100 - breath every 6 strokes (ugh); 2x50 fast; 200 - breath every 5 strokes (ugggh); 2x50 fast; 300 - breath every 4 strokes (uggh ok that one wasn't so bad).  The 100 and 200 were really hard - but wonderfully so the way only a really hard workout can be.  Swimming is a great way for runners to improve v02max - and the breadth every 6 and 5 strokes - works the breathing like none-other.



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