Saturday, January 19, 2013

Go Junior!

Go Larry Nance Jr!  I have no idea if this kid is a jerk or not, but his father was one of the most under-rated players in NBA history.  So having never seen a Wyoming game - Go JR!  Hope your team kicks ass!  As a Sun's fan growing up in Phx, I witnessed LN Sr. single handed-ly hold-off a Kareem/Magic-lead Lakers team.  Phoenix never had much, but we did have Nance, Sweet D, Wallace and Ladmo - that's about it.  The dude was completely awesome (and a Clemson grad to boot!).  Perhaps the stars align for young Jr. and they make the final 4.  It's the least that could happen for a young lad who had the misfortune of growing-up in Ohio...

Ok week.  One strength, 2 runs (4; 4.5) a few bikes - a bit limited by snow and (again) sickness.  Not bad for mid-winter...


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