Friday, September 25, 2015

Week 11 long run

20 miles this morning.  It was harder than I was hoping.  I decided to head up the bike path to Bedford.  I was thinking going out with the easy uphill and then negative splits coming back.  Looking at the elevation, it went up to 75 feet door the first 6 miles, then down to 45, then back up again, then back down, then finally up another 50 feet for the last part in Arlington.  In any case, I did 8:10s the first 10 miles, felt pretty good.  Then at about mile 12 I started not feeling great, pace dropped to the 8:30s.    After mile 16 the trail was heading back down, so I tried to pick things up, 7:56, 8:06 and 8:14.  Last mile into Arlington sucked, 9:37 - but was probably good for leg strength.

Pains at mile 12 included sharp pain upper back/ shoulder area, lower abdomen aches, and I could feel the groin, severe leg aches - nothing specific, just lactic acid.  Finally, the nips hurt - first long run with shirt on the whole way.

Final pace was 8:19, it was 8:15 at mile 19 and probably a little better than that with stoppages for water and hills taken into account.  Awesome weather.  First 10 miles were pleasant.  Hopefully the hills cut into the paceing, and to the legs, because it was not feeling like I can kill it for 26.  Anyway - it's taper time!  I'll be trying to push the pace the next two weeks, but no run longer than 13.

Trail details.  I think the elevation on the iPhone app isn't that accurate.  The elevation difference between Arlington and Lexington is over 160 feet, which would be about a 14 story building.  So although it was gradual, I think that is a fair amount of extra work.


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