Sunday, May 15, 2016

Relay for Fun.

I did the Cape Cod relay this weekend.  I hadn't run in 4 weeks leading up to it - so not the ideal way to train, but did manage to go out Monday for a 4.7.  Two days before the relay, I got wacked by allergies - so much that I stayed home sick from work.  Flonase started to work and I was feeling good enough to give it a go.  I did the first leg of van 1 - which was 6.7 miles out of Hull.  Felt hilly and hot and I got slower as the run went.  I felt either feverish due to the heat or the allergies.  My next leg was actually leg 9 of the race in van 2.  It was about 6 hour later and only 4.7 miles.  It also had some serious hills and I got slower as it went.  Both legs were plus 8 min/miles.  So didn't feel great, but I'm happy that I finished.  I'm hoping my fitness wasn't horrible and the allergies were the main cause of my crap legs.  My last leg was at 4ish the next morning and was a very short 3.2 miles.  It was a beautiful leg, but I was struggling and, honestly, didn't care much at that point.  Really no idea what my pace was since I had a blinky-light issue forgot to turn off my timer until about 30 minutes after I was finished.  

The race was fun.  I had a great van, and although having to run legs 1 and 9 (or 36) was hard, it gave me 3 hours of sleep - which is at least one hour more than most.  Van 1 also finishes first, and gets to enjoy the end a little more.  I got to spend some time with old friends and meet some new ones.  It is a funny expierence, since you kinda want it to end when your doing it, but miss it when it is all over.


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