Saturday, August 19, 2017

More mid-summer running.

Another busy week.  Took in a comedy show Sunday night, ran Monday from work and did 3x1 mile intervals.  I did 6:33, 6:45, 6:44.  It felt hot toward the end, but good - especially for off-track in the heat.  Tuesday night - out late for a concert.  Wednesday I did a 3 mile tempo: 7:30, 7:28 and 7:26 - again in the heat.  Felt good - hot toward the end - but the pace wasn't anything too grueling.  Thursday I was down in CT for a work outing - and skipped out from 2-3:30 to do a 4 mile easy run around Rockyneck state park.  It was hot, and a bit nostalgic.  Kept me away from the booze and food for a bit.  Up to NH yesterday to get the kids - back down to CT this weekend for FF draft (more booze and food) - and a long run with some old friends on Sunday.  Those dudes can move though, I may have some trouble hanging on.  Next week is probably a Tue/Thr/Weekend week.


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