Mile time trial
Well, that didn't go great. Perfect day out - really warm for late November. I knew it'd be tough to run under 6 with no race or pacing - and pulling the buff on and off due to walkers - but I only did a 6:11 which is pretty disappointing. I did this training plan from Podium Runner. I really like the plan - but for me I think I need to add in some more tempo runs. The two 2-mile tempos are great - but I think I benefited last spring when i did this plan - but had tempos every week: 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 2 - so kinda built in some endurance and then focused back down to speed. After that I managed a 5:54 - which was still off - but way better than 6:11. Oh well - probably was still good to have another speed block.
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