MLK Day Swim

I had yesterday off, so I hit the YMCA pool and did 1/2 mile of swimming. I actually feel pretty sore today. I really need to do some drills when swimming. My form is bad. If I swim head-up, I can go at a pretty even pace, but very inefficient. If I try head down, I tend to swim to fast since my breathing is poor. I have trouble sucking in air, without first blowing out - so it takes me twice as long as usual. Eventually I seem to endup with a nose full of water. The other problem I have with swimming is finding a good time to hit the Y - I don't get every Monday off...
Last Friday Larry and I did another near-6-miler. Like earlier in the week, we headed out ~8 min/miles for the first 3 miles, then picked up the pace (~7:30s) the rest of the way. Average pace
was 7:45 over 5.76 miles. Last week's totals were: 11 miles at an average pace of 7:47.
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