Thursday, July 30, 2009

Summer Steamer

100% humidity has finally arrived. The amazing thing is the temps have been moderate enough that I haven't put in the AC window units yet. Still, it makes running and biking a sweaty proposition. I've biked in and home the last two days - 36 miles total (good for 9 eq.miles) - and yesterdays ride home yesterday made me a disgusting ball of sweat. I also did a short 4 miler at lunch yesterday with similar disgusting results. On the plus side -I'm feeling pretty good for the most part - the allergies have subsided (I won't say gone away - I still feel as though my throat is closing up a little some times) and my legs feel better than they have. I felt my lower back and forearms a little on yesterday's ride home - but that's more normal - I can deal with that.

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