Wow. That was one hell of a week! I last updated Tuesday (a swim/bike combo day). Wednesday was tough. I started with the bike into work - not a big deal. Then I did a brutal 2x10 minute tempo workout. The workout was fine - but the heat was rough - total mileage 5.6 miles. Thursday was the easiest of the week: 3 miles running (only 1.5 each way) sandwiching a 1000 meter open water swim. The swim felt good - although my breathing felt a little labored - probably good I got one in this week. I'll try to do another next week. Today I did 8.2 miles around Groton with Greg. Weather was picture perfect but my legs were dragging - I think I'm ready for a rest. I'll probably rest both days this weekend and do a BRICK on Monday.
Labels: Bike, long run, Swim, tempo
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