Sunday, May 14, 2017

Raggy Cape Cod

This week I only ran two days.  First was a nice 8.5 miler on Wednesday morning.  The commute runs haven't been working out great.  This run felt pretty good.  I kept the pace brisk, but nothing too fast.  The only problem was that I had to leave early and work from home sick.  Something didn't sit right after that run.  Felt awful most of the day.  I felt fine the next day, but conserved myself for Friday since I was asked to pinch hit for a relay race.  I felt pretty good for that.  First, it was great to see some old friends.  I took the first hand-off and ran 4.9 miles at a 7:23 pace - pretty even throughout.  I could have pushed it more, but knew I had another one coming up.  About 10 hours later, the other one came - almost the same length 5.3 miles this time.  The pace was a bit slower and had a hill between miles 2 and 3: 7:43, 7:39, 8:16, 7:37, 7:36, 7:38 - so a nice strong finish after the hill - good for a 7:45 pace.

Yesterday was super busy with kid crap and today with more kid crap and mother's day - so no intervals - which is probably for the best since it's mid-40s with pouring rain.  I'll maybe try and get out tomorrow for a short run.


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