Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Week 3

Started off week 3 with an easy run.  First one of those in a while.  Had a friend in from the CT work site, so we did 5 miles around the Charles at a nice conversational 9:20.  Felt great - wonderful weather - lots of stuff to look at.

This morning I decided to get in my 12 miler - which i had originally planned to do after work.  Left at 6:45 and headed down towards Alewife.  Original plan was to do 8s - but I was hitting 7:50s and just kept pushing that for the first 4 miles.  Then I started up the bike path and tried to keep the effort about the same.  Pacing was 8:04, 8:19, 8:13 and 8:11 for the middle four - all an easy uphill.  At the turnaround I did 8:00, 7:45 and 7:39 - before crawling up the last mile at 8:59 - always brutal that last one.  Overall was 8:03 - the first 11 were a bit under 8 but not much really - so probably good thing i pushed the first 4.  The GAP pacing looked pretty good as well - 7:50s most of the way.

A day off tomorrow - i'm going to bag the last bae 5k and do a tempo run at lunch instead, and then the town race - 2.7 miles Saturday.  Total mileage this week is at 17 and should be around 27 by Saturday.


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