Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Escape to flat land

Ahh.  To Yulefest or not to Yulefest.  I did the gobble gobble gobble 4 miler last Thursday and ran the same time I did 2 years ago: 27:31 - a 6:53 pace.  I also did the same battle green 10k as two years ago.  And that same year - I did a 20:24 Yulefest 5k - a 6:34 pace.  Should I try again?  I'm kind of tired of racing.  The thing with racing is it is hard - harder than normal.  Race isn't until 12/10 - so I may postpone a decision for a few days and hope it doesn't sell out.

Today I made it out for a 4.6 miler around the Charles from work - a decent 7:40 pace.  Last Sunday I did a cold 5 miler at about an 8 pace.  Neither run felt particularly good - kinda weird how quickly I lost it - had about a 2-3 week period were I felt awesome.  If I were smart - i would take it easy and then try running Yulefest hard.


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