Thursday, August 10, 2006


Amazingly, there are no great wipeout photos from google images. Well a summary of this weeks activities: Monday - previously logged 4.3 miler on Monday (7:39 pace), Tuesday intervals (3x800 ~6:25 pace, total of 4.2 miles), Wednesday - bike to and from work - about 18 miles roundtrip including a spectacular crash on the way in, Thursday - an easy 6 miles at a slow 8:35 pace. I probably should have done a swim - but my shoulder's range-of-motion is a little tweeked from landing on it yesterday - so I'll get back to that next week.

Other news - the company triathlon maybe rescheduled for the August 30th. This gives me another 2 weeks. I think my schedule will be:
  1. Monday - run intervals 3x800.
  2. Tuesday - swim ~800 yards.
  3. Wednesday - possible cycle (I may only do this once between now and the 30th).
  4. Thursday/Friday - 5-7 mile run.
Of course - if the tri isn't rescheduled - i'll just do this minus the biking part (at least for awhile). I liked the idea of driving less - but the crash really shook me up. And no one video taped it for laughs - so it's almost completely useless.


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