Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Week 2 1/2 Plan

I started my second week the same way as the 1st week - missing my Sunday run (family/sick) - and having to squeeze in some long workouts at work. I managed a swim day Monday - my longest (1500) but still in 45 minutes. Yesterday I was suppose to do 10 miles - but I only managed 8.2 (slow: 1:15) due to work constraints (and I forgot running socks - had to run in my dress socks). I'm glad I made it out - and will definately try to get out Sunday for a planned 12 miler. Today is another pool day - then Friday is a 4 mile tempo run which I'm dreading. I'm just now starting to feel better and hope that run doesn't make me sick again.

Other good news - the calorie counting is finally starting to work - the last 2 days I've woken up at 159 lbs - down a solid 5-6 lbs from December (and most of last year). Hopefully this - along with the strength training and yoga - will bring me some faster times.

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