10 Mile MP Run
Left the house at 5:50 today for a MP run. I wanted to back-load the uphill a little, so I did the first 2 miles down to Alewife T (7:31 and 7:35), then circled the station and headed back up the bikeway. The next two miles were 7:35 and 7:56. This took me to about the Pleasant st. crossing. Then I continued up (7:45, 7:58) and did a 'turnaround' mile (7:57) - before heading back down: 7:42, 7:30. The last mile - always uphill - was difficult (8:35). Overall pace was 7:48 - 1:19 for 10.1 miles. Pretty happy with that effort. I will say - didn't feel like anything I'd like to keep doing for another 2 hours and 10 minutes. I'm hoping elevation changes are making this feel harder than it will on race day.
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