Monday, July 11, 2016

First Long Run

This morning was my first long run of the plan - but only 6 miles.  I woke up with severe pain in my shoulder-blade/back area - a result, apparently, spraining the muscle while turning off a light before bed last night.  I iced it while I drank coffee pre-run - and it seemed to respond well - but hurts now.  The run went well.  I started down hill into Arlington at a 7:30 pace - then turned up the bike-path for a slower (8:09, 7:43) two miles.  At that point, I decided I could probably do my marathon pace - in case it is too hot later in the week - so I turned to head back and did 7:13 and 7:15 for the next two.  The last mile was mostly up-hill - 8:34.  Overall pace was 7:45 - MP!  Hurray!  That is good since Friday is suppose to be hot - and I may have trouble doing a 7:45 5 miler - so at least I know I can do it if the weather isn't bad.


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