Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Back in the Pool.

I've had a difficult time motivating myself to get back in the pool - but I finally made it yesterday and was absolutely shocked at how good I felt afterward.  I may go back today if the weather turns raining - as predicted.  Either way I'm running or swimming.  My goal is now to get more workouts in - even if they are only ~30 minutes.  It's the ol' keep it simple plan - until my motivation comes back a little.  It doesn't have to be every day - but this week I'd like to get workouts in Mon - Fri.  And Monday I did 2x30 minutes; so 3 hours this week is possible.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Winter Redux

I haven't been blogging much, and although it feels like a pathetic winter - looking back I really haven't had any really bad streaks of inactivity.  I've certainly fallen off most in the swimming/strength aspect - I'm not doing horrible there.
A lot of the downturn is due to ongoing relocation - which has been very stressful.  We still have not bought a new house or sold our current house.  Not panicking yet - but stress is all around.  I have to say the kids are awesome.  Amazing.
Another thing I noticed about the above schedule - compared to past winters - I've done more running and less swimming/strength.  I think this is actually due to the unseaonably warm weather we've had.  No complaints - but I really should hit the pool today.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Cost of Drug Approvals

There was a recent analysis of the cost of drug approvals.  I've taken the liberty of plotting these.  Very interesting to see 2 lines of correlation (by color).  The upper plot shows the companies with a poor return on investment.  Not surprisingly, they are the ones with severe problems in their research organizations due to merges and acquisitions (GSK, AZ, etc...).  The lower plot are the higher performing companies - many of whom have wisely avoided the crippling M&A cost (AMG, ABT, LLY) - although MRK has very recently switched ranks.  Will their plot rise?  I hope not, but time will tell...