Friday, December 30, 2011

So Long 2011.

Slow, but oddly stressful last week of the year.  2011 was a tough year by any standard.  This week was no exception.  Had Christmas, of course, then Monday spent the day up in Boston looking at houses.  Oh, almost forgot that my mother-in-law took a spill last Saturday night.  Layers and layers of stress.  Managed one workout Wednesday and then my strength/yoga tonight.  May try and squeeze a run in to finish off the year tomorrow.

My top runs list this year is pretty pointless this year.  Philly, Philly, Philly.  Probably second on the list would be the Twilight Trail run.  I was sick then, but I was also sick for the 'Bear-a-thon' - which isn't going to go down on any list as a top run of the year.  The only other run I did was the Colchester Half Marathon - a cold hilly brutal run - which I'll gladly do again this year.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Winter Solstice.

So the big problem I've been having, besides crappy weeks, is really sore legs ('achy' is the word).  I'm not sure if that may be to lack of running (which I've never heard of) or leftover marathon soreness.  Neither seems very plausible - but I don't really have any other explanation.  In any case, the upper legs have been sore - but not hurting - for a few weeks now.  Tonight I decided to do this easy workout - in hopes to give the legs some strength and then did an 18 minute yoga routine from a dvd (not just the random stretching I do on my own).  The strength workout is designed: be a prerun warmup since it "wakes up" your glutes and your core (the muscles of the stomach, back, and hips). "When you perform these exercises, you're telling your brain to switch on the muscles that need to fire while you run...strengthening these areas means that each step you take will be more powerful and stable, which makes you more efficient, faster, and less likely to get injured...because each exercise works multiple muscle groups, you'll also see total-body benefits—in your shoulders, hamstrings, quadriceps, and calves.
.I have to say - the combo has them feeling less achy.  I did the workout 3 times through - for 18 minutes, then - hoping the muscles were warmed - did the 18 yoga.  If I run, I'll try and remember to do the 6 minute version to 'wake-up' the muscles.  Also - did 1150 in the pool on Monday and strength Sunday.  Another slow, but hopefully useful week.

Almost x-mas!  Had my wife's birthday today, have party/gatherings on Friday and Saturday.  A very nice time of year to spend with the wife and little ones.  Good time to wrap-up some things at work as well.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Rough Week

Rough week 'round here.  I managed 3 workouts: 67 minute strength (sunday), 24 minutes (900) in the pool and a somewhat pathetic 2.8 mile run today (23 mintues).  I ran short just to try and get a run in without hurting my ITB.  I could feel it from the start - but it never started really hurting.  I kinda felt like I changed my gate a little.  I'm just glad I could get the run in without pain.

Home was tough for some reason this week.  Argued with wife Monday night; felt horrible about it all Tuesday but patched things up - but have struggled getting good vibes with the kids.  Was real upset at my oldest for not  knowing 4+3 off the top of her head this morning - feel like we need to do more homework - but then I always feel like I'm badgering her to do it.  Being a parent is about a trillion times harder than I thought going in.  No wonder I don't mind running for 3 straight hours.  Add to that - grill not working great, mice in the house (going down this weekend mice!), holiday stuff, move stuff, work stuff...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

ITB Problems Persist.

My ITB problems are persisting.  I swam twice this week - Monday and Thursday - for 1000 meters each session.  Very easy swimming - resting my legs, but ended up going out Friday for a 5 miler.  The legs felt fine for 4 miles - but right as I cornered the Avery Point campus - I could feel it again.  I shut it down right away.  Good news is that I made it further - bad news is that I still have the problem.  Nevertheless, a solid week of strength/cross training with a least a little more running.  Hopefully I can make it either further next week - or maybe try 2 runs of 3 miles each.

Monday, December 05, 2011

Another Recovery Swim.

Came down with a head cold - congested and crummy feeling yesterday - so decided to hit the pool and skip another run.  I'm setting the bar real low on the swims: 500 warmup (various activities); 4x50 fastish; 1x200 and 100 back cooldown.  Ironically, the butterfly I cannot do well - but it looks cool.  Also been practicing my turns - I think I'll be pretty good at the turns soon.  Workout was mediocre - but the mood really improved and I think it magically helped the cold.  Thanks magic pool.

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Where I've been [us version]

Friday, December 02, 2011

Week 2 on the Mend.

This week has been a little frustrating.  At work - meetings, meetings, and more meetings.  On the road - I managed a meager 2 miles on Monday but stopped after feeling acute left knee pain.  I decided to take the rest of the week off from running.  Wednesday I did 1000 meters of swimming at UCAP and have done occasional yoga all week to try and treat a possible ITB issue.  Hopefully I can get in some easy miles next week.  No hard running for at least another 2 weeks though.