Friday, October 25, 2013

A Sic Sick Week

Not a great training week due to either a cold or flu-shot issues - but probably my best 'sick' week ever.  I managed (1) strength work, (2) 3 runs for a solid/un-spectacular 12+ miles and (3) over 30 miles on the bike.  And I don't even like biking!

Life still feels in flux - like I'm adjusting to my new environment - but I feel very lucky to have my family, and at least like we landed in a place we may yet grow to love.   

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Flu Shot Week

I've felt 'not so good' this week.  I did 4 miles each Monday and today, and then did the bike to and from work yesterday.  I think I'm going to have trouble rounding out this week though.  I've pop'n the airborne - but I'm just 'blah' this week.  Psychosomatic flu shot symptoms?

Friday, October 18, 2013

'Ed of the Chaales!

I've missed a lot of time from blogging my runs!  Stretching back to last week, I managed to stagger in for a good 12.5 miler last Thursday.  It felt really hard, but I lived and managed to do my 'poster' at work that night (2 hours of standing).  I felt rough Friday, but it worked out ok as my mother was in town for a visit - so Friday/Saturday/Sunday were all rest.  Saturday night was fun - my wife and I had a nice dinner in Cambridge and then headed to Boston for the Kingsley Flood concert - which was amazing.  Message to all those in the Boston area - go support live music and have a blast.

This week training started on Monday - which I took off - and did the Bob Harper 67.  Tuesday was a rest day since I forgot my socks at work.  So the week wasn't off to the best start - but I regrouped.  Wednesday I did my first run in 6 days - the normal 4.7 miler.  Thursday I biked too and from work.  Then today - and epic lunchtime 10.5 miler along the Charles River.  Possibly the best day/run of the year.  Legs are a little sore - but feeling ok.  Can't say i'm in 1/2-marathon shape - but really not a horrible week considering all that was going on.  Drinking a recovery IPA.  Looking forward to the weekend.

Monday, October 07, 2013

Thinking Big

13 on Wednesday?  We'll see.  Did a weird interval workout on a weird Monday.  Got soaked in the morning, but was hot and windy at 2 when I went over to mit-track.  Started with a ~6:20 mile.  Then I did 200; 400; 600; 800.  The last 800 was also ~6:20 pace.  It felt good to run hard.  I wanted to do 3x1600 or something - but with lunch in my belly - wasn't think that would work for me.

Am thinking, bike tomorrow, long wedn, easy run Friday.

Sunday, October 06, 2013

Long at Last

Carbo loading!
I finally made it out for a long run: 9 miles last week.  I haven't really done anything over 6.5 since last spring when I did a few in the 8-9 range.  If I want to do a half in Novermber, I'll have to ramp-up quick - so I'm thinking 13 this week.  Either Wednesday on the way home - or Thursday/Friday on the way in.  Highlights last week - pretty much hit all the goals: st67, hills (tuesday), round-trip bike commute (wend.), long run (thursday) - plus 2 extra runs sprinkled in.  5 hours and 44 minutes of 'training'.  I should also try and throw a few speed sessions in before the half - so maybe i'll hit the mit track at lunch this week.

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Quick September.

As much as I complained about the weather in Boston the last year - the last month has been wonderful.  Great weather pretty much every week.  The last two weeks just brilliant.  Two weeks ago I had one the most well-rounded weeks in recent memory: 3 runs totaling 17.4 miles - including a 6.9 miler; 29 miles on the bike.  It was missing a strength workout because my wife and I were bickering a little that morning so I went shopping instead.  Life happens.

Last week was a not quite as good - only 11 miles running to go with 21 miles on the bike.  I felt sick the latter half - so that cut into it.  I'm off to an ok start this week.  I did the 67 minute strength workout Sunday, our normal 4.7 miler yesterday and hills today while waiting for the chimney dude (only 3 miles total - but I did 3 sets of hills: 2; 2 and 3 minutes).  I'm thinking biking tomorrow - and then I'll have to pile on some mileage Thursday - maybe with a run home from work.