Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 Round Up.

Well, I'm ending the year on a sick note - been out of action since last Sunday's Bob Harper workout. Monday we got pummeled by snow - and the next four days I've been out with a low-grade cold. I guess that's ok since I'm gonna start things anew in 2011.

Every year I've done a top and bottom list of races. This year, I didn't feel I had any bad races - so I'll just list them from the top down.
1. Niantic Bay Half. I aimed for this race all year and planned on doing 7:30s throughout. To my surprise I was hitting the 7:30 paces fairly easily for the first 6 miles - and managed negative splits the second half for 1 hour 36 minute and 8 second half-marathon. A 7:20 pace. The day was perfect and race went off great. This race has given me boat loads of confidence heading into my next marathon.
2. Niantic Bay 10K. It was the start of the Niantic Bay year - back in June. I'd never run sub-seven for any race over 3.5 miles with the exception of the Tarzan Brown race - this race changed all that. A 10K pr on a hot summer Friday night. Took home 3rd place in my age group - my only medal of the year.
3. Tarzan Brown 5.5 miler. The 6:37 pace is a little questionable considering the course adjustment - but there is no doubt this was probably my best run ever - by my standards I blistered it. The day kinda stunk - cold and overcast - but the race was fast and the post race party at my house with my buds was a fun way to celebrate the last race we'd do together for the season.
4. Ocean Beach 11.6 mile. A summer scorcher - but a pretty cool event! This is the first race that I ran with a friend - didn't really race - what fun! We did 8 minute miles for 8 miles - as this race marked the first week of my 1/2 marathon training plan. I ran faster the last 3.6 miles and ended with a 7:48 pace. A great confidence builder going into the 1/2.
5. Lil Rhody 8 mile trail race. This bad boy has given me fits forever. This year I nailed it. Bonus: I didn't get lost. Racing wise the 7:44 pace isn't anything to brag about - but the course is more challenging than your typical flat road race - especially the last 3-4 miles. I think, over the year, this time may hold up as my best.
6. Twilight Trail Run. Most years this would easily crack the top-3. I ran good and hard and was only 4 seconds off my best run ever for this course.
7. Pfizer Triathlon. A great achievement. But, I can't deny I hate the bike and the swim felt worse than it should've. This maybe one to mark as a redemption race in 2011 - but I do hate time in the saddle...
8. Clamdigger 5 mile. I really do appreciate this race. It's early in the season when I want to get racing again. But the race isn't ever that great.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Last Few Weeks

December and training just don't go hand-and-hand. Two weeks ago I did no runs and 2 swims as I go back to the pool after a long lay-off. Last week I started with a nice swim workout and then did runs Wednesday and Friday (5miles each). I really just wanted to get out with some of my work buds - but definately shoulda pooled it on Wednesday as the run was brutally windy - a theme that's been reoccuring alot lately. Friday's run was nice - and my last from work for 2010. I did noth ing but eat and drink over the weekend - holidays...

This week started slow - just some yogo on Monday - then I did 1700 and 1600 in the pool on Tuesday and Wednesday. Today I managed a 4 mile jog (34 minutes) from home. It looked windy and cold - but actually felt pretty good.

I feel like, more in years past, that the holiday parties are taking there toll on me. I've been trying to eat and drink better - switch more to wine even though I'm floating in great beers. How am I suppose to resist a beer with a robotic dancing Ghandi?

I've starting to research cleanses. Outside had this article on the subject, and I've found a lot of internet stuff on the Master Cleanse. I may attempt it - even though it sounds horrible.

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Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Short Term Swim Goal

I remember reading this swim plan a few years ago - and I think I may try and do that - swim a mile. Having said that, I only have 3 weeks and 2 swims/week. I figure I did week 3 this week, so my next swim needs to be: 400;200;4x100;4x50. Next week I can do the 600;300;4x100. The week after that I can try the 1000;4x100. My 50 splits were just over 1 minute - but that's without swimming for 2 months - so I should be right around a minute - which makes keeping track real easy. Not sure when I can do the 1200 week or the 1650 - but I'll figure that out later...


Swimming out the Year.

Finally made it to the pool. I forgot my training plans, but did make it. No matter, I started with 200 easy (w/fins - I do this to feel the kick), 50-back, 50-breast,100-pull, 100-kick (w/fins). Then I did 400 and 2x200. I felt tired during the 200s - like it'd been a few months. But overall it felt good to get back and work out in the pool - definately a whole different workout.


Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Running around the year.

So it's been a great year! I'm happy with my race results and although I improved my overall fitness I think I can do more in the coming year. I still have a brutal kid-drop-off schedule this spring which'll make a spring marathon impossible. In fact, my goal in the next 4-5 months is to take it pretty easy. 3 run or swim workouts/week - maybe 2 over the next few months. And I want to hit the pool the next 3 months. I really feel like this helped my strength this year and made it easier to get out on cold days. After that I'd like to do about 8 weeks easy lead-up to a spring 1/2. Maybe focus more on bumping up distance - and keep intensity pretty mild - don't want to burn out yet. Summer - tri and mile time (one thing I didn't accomplish this year was a good mile). Then start mid/late summer on a fall marathon. I'd like to do a different one than in 2009, but Philly is at such a good time of year - nice and late. It should be doable - and I've mentally talked myself into aiming for an 8:00 min/mile time - 3:30s or so.

About the photo: it was on a blog post on the runners world web site. I usually don't pimp runner's world - but the current issue has the best content I can remember in a long time - they even have an interesting marathon training plan that tops out the long runs at 16 miles!


Thursday, December 02, 2010

Post Season.

I'm taking it *real* easy now. I did 6 miles after the lil'rhody and then a 2.5 mile fun run (was suppose to be 3). The good news is that I did it in 17 minutes - the bad new is that I did it in 17 minutes. Then I took it real easy until Saturday. I did the Bob Harper workout which kicked my butt.

This week, I did 4.5 on Monday - was lobbying the boys to skip the 1/2 mile Jupiter loop. Today I went out on my own for 5 miles. And that's probably it. I'm really strugglin on the runs. Although maybe after many many months - my body is just saying "i'm done, see you in the new year." I'm thinking of hitting the pool next week - maybe twice with one run sandwiched in between. We'll see how it works.