Saturday, August 31, 2013

Running Fast

After 3 straight crappy runs, I made it out Thursday for a short 2 miler.  The weather was nice and cool and I managed 7:15 and 6:55 for the middle 2 miles.  Felt good to pick it up a little.  Back to super-humid weather now - hopefully it drys a little before next week.

Monday, August 26, 2013

A Goal and a Good Week.

I had a decent week last week - 3 runs for 14.4 mile, but a zany 27.6 miles on the bike - and I found a kinda neato way to get home through Harvard Sq.  I think the biking took it's toll though, Fridays run was a slog, as was today's - not sure why as today was an issue - took the weekend off.

I do have some idea for fall running though.  I think I'd like to attempt a half either in Wayland 11/3 or Newton on 11/10.  Both have the potential to be hilly runs from hell - so I may need to scout it out a little - but I think I'd benefit from some goal-oriented training.  My strength work still suck.

Although I'm excited about the upcoming college football season - there is a nice write-up on my alma-matter in the Running Times.  Go Jacks!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Need a Race?

After 3 weeks of 'kick'n it' - last week I took a little vacation - only 2 runs and limited biking in 3 days.  Then it was off to New Hampshire for a 4 day vacation in North Conway.  Had a lot of fun - love the clean mountain air.  NH is an awesome state.  Back to the filled-in bay-swamp that is Boston (and a surprisingly large amount of the NE coast!), and some humid running and lots of house work.  I have done 2 more runs this week - but will probably take off Wed/Thurs - maybe bike in tomorrow.

My main problem now - no race to train for - should probably research my options and come up with a plan for the fall.

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Kick'n It.

Finally hitting a bit of a groove training-wise - mainly because the weather has been awesome for this time of year.  Nice and cool - low humidity.  Last week I ended up with over 15 miles running and 18 miles biking - and all that in only 3 days!  I took Spirit down to AC for the remainder of the week and had a nice beach day Friday.  Back to work this week and I've managed 3 runs (14 miles) and 3 bike days (22 miles) - so finally able to pile a little bit of work on.  The runs have been good progressions as well.  Monday I started 8:19, then 7:58, 7:59 and 7:38.  Yesterday's run was tough because of the biking, but I still managed negative splits: 8:36, 8:04, 7:55, 7:52, 7:42.  Today I did 8:43, 7:27, 7:16 before loafing it in.