Monday, April 30, 2012

Spring Swims.

Bloom'n but cold outside - pushing me back into the pool.  I did 2 swims last week - both 1500s - completes the first four week cycle.  I start the second today - due to my computer being fried yet again - a relatively short 1300.  Saturday I did 7.8 miles with Steve and his friends - very nice and easy.  Yesterday I did a short but hard 30 minute strength workout to kick-off the week.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What will my kids life be like?

I've been feeling a lot of stress lately.  Relo has it's problems - and I feel those every day.  In the end though, I feel like most of my stress comes down to: what life will my kids have?  In their future, will the polar ice caps melt?  Will they find happiness?  Will there dad be employed in 2 years?  I think if I understood those questions a little better - I'd feel a lot better.

What's really weird, is that I feel like, when I was that age - life didn't have stress.  Was that really true?  Or do I just not remember it?

Anyway.  Bob Harper workout Sunday.  Destroyed my legs.  Monday off.  Hills today: 45; 60; 75; 90; 75; 60; 45.  Felt ok.  Legs may feel sore, but they still moved.  Tomorrow brings the pool.


Friday, April 20, 2012


I had mortgage issues all week.  It's been so stressful - I feel as though I need to concentrate to breath out.  Good thing I had my favorite swim workout scheduled today - It's all about breathing.  After my normal warmup: 2x50 fast; 100 - breath every 6 strokes (ugh); 2x50 fast; 200 - breath every 5 strokes (ugggh); 2x50 fast; 300 - breath every 4 strokes (uggh ok that one wasn't so bad).  The 100 and 200 were really hard - but wonderfully so the way only a really hard workout can be.  Swimming is a great way for runners to improve v02max - and the breadth every 6 and 5 strokes - works the breathing like none-other.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Last week: another 'solid'.  2 swims of varying difficulty; hills and a long run of 8 miles.  About 3 hours total.  This week's heading on about the same trajectory: hot hills Tuesday: 30;45;60;75;75;60;45;30, swim today.  Tomorrow I can either do a run or take off.  Swim Friday and long run Saturday - although I may miss that.  Planning last 'pizza' night with the neighbors.

Works been crazy - but more relocation stuff.  Our mortgage underwriter (shown above) is a true bad ass and making my life difficult.  Hopefully next week will bring some piece and tranquility.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Swimming and Hills.

Yesterday - motivated in the pool: 1500.  Today, hills: 45-60-45-75-45-60-45.  Work has been busy.  Too much to do....

Saturday, April 07, 2012

Long Run?

I work up early this morning to do something novel - a long run with people.  Instead of my normal 1/2-day long - this was done at 7am - bright and early.  It was a bear.  I was told 7-8 miles - turned into 11.6.  It was slow, and I really had no problem with it.  I guess the marathon training really does stay with you for a few months.  For the week - very well rounded: 1 strength session; 1 hill workout; 1 swim; 1 long run - and oh, yeah - a 25 minute bike ride from the auto mechanic home.  Pretty much covered all the bases this week. Also, some cleanse benifit - weight is down near an all time low of 153 this morning (post long run) - probably bopping around the 154-155 range.  Lets see if I can keep it there a while.

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Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Hills are Alive!

Today was the first day of hill workouts: 6x60 seconds.  It killed.  Lower back went first, but I also noticed my lungs were searing during the last 3.  Strong crowd, I was struggling not to finish last.

Yesterday was difficult.  I woke up to a laptop that wouldn't boot.  It'll be at least until tomorrow before I get it back.  Then my car died.  The good news is that I got a 24 minute (~5 mile) bike ride on my way home from the dealership. Couple that with a good 47 minutes strength session on Sunday - and my week's actually off to a good start.