Monday, April 29, 2013

Arizona and Yard Work.

2 weeks since my last post.  I did a trip to AZ with the family two weeks ago - lots of fun, and it turned out to be a great week to not be in the Boston area.  Last week things slowly got back to normal: I did 3 runs - mostly normal - but Larry and I did over 5 last Wednesday due to the MIT memorial service.  Did a bike-in/run Friday to get my mileage up.  Totals: 14.2 running - and 15 total on the bike.  Saturday was a rest day which meant we worked in the yard then hit the Burren for lunch.  Skipped my 10k yesterday -which was probably a good call.  Still - would like to find a race in May - maybe the TTR at Bluff Point.  Feel like a have a shit ton of outstanding life-stuff I should be working on...

Friday, April 12, 2013

More biking less running.

A pretty good week.  I wanted to do a few more bike-to-work rides and I started Monday with a nice round tripper - gorgeous day for it.  Tuesday Larry and I hit the MIT track again for the ladder: 200,400,600,800,800,600,400,200 - always fun to get out and run fast.  Wednesday I did another round trip bike ride.  Another gorgeous day going in and coming back.  I think the bike rides take a bit out of me though - felt very sluggish yesterday and just managed our normal 4.7 mile loop around the bridges.  Probably take the week in AZ off now.

Friday, April 05, 2013

Biking and a Long Run

Did my first round-trip bike in ~month.  Went pretty smooth: 35 minutes in, 40 minutes back.  I'll have to try and do that 1-2/week when/if the weather warms up.  The downside of that, is I was really dragging today running into work - about an 8:30 pace - which, now that I just looked, is about what I've been doing for the long runs.  6.8 miles total - good for 16 miles running this week and 13 on the bike.

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Frigid weather -> Fast Runs

Headed out today for the normal loop - but horribly under-dressed for the cold and wind.  Result: fastest loop yet: 35 minutes and change.  Miles: 7:57, 7:31, 7:30, 7:43 and 7:16.  Never real hard - but I normally start out slower and speed up for 2 or 3 miles - this one ended at 7:37 average pace.  Yesterday, with much nicer weather I did 8:26, 8:19, 8:02, 8:10 and 8:07 - not really feeling it the day after Easter.