Monday, January 20, 2014

Running and Reading

I ended up with 14 miles over 3 runs last week + 2 swims for over 2400 meters in the pool.  I've also been reading a lot of running stories from this year's version of 'the Best American Sports Writing'.  The 3 that focused on running were (in reverse order of how they appeared in the book): 'Running' by Cinthia Ritchie which is a rich description of running and living - along the motivational lines; 'Redemption of the Running Man' by Dan Koeppel which is about a brit named Robert Garside who ran over 40,000 miles around the world - and, amazingly, didn't really get credit for it; lastly 'Marathon Man' by Mark Singer - an astounding account of Kip Litton - who for some reason fakes running marathons - and has a whole group of people not just wondering why - but trying to figure out how he does it.  It's a fasincating read and leaves you wondering why people do such bizarre things.

This week the cold is likely going to take it's toll - I managed a short run today (just less than 3), and will hit the pool twice - hopefully Friday will be warm enough to manage another run - but we'll see how this polar vortex plays out.  I always get fooled into thinking winter is winding down with weeks like last - and then start to remember the many miserable February's that i've suffered through.  At least we get the olympics this year to keep us occupied. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

6 for 6 last week!

I managed 3 swims last week and two - kinda crappy runs.  The last run was the normal slog around the Charles on Friday - the only day when the weather didn't really suck.  Saturday we did our difficult strength workout - so I managed 6 workouts in 6 days, and over 1 hour each of running, swimming and strength training.  This week I'm 2/2 with a run yesterday and 1200 swim today - my longest yet.

Wednesday, January 08, 2014


So, so cold.  After swimming 1/2 mile each of the last two days, I headed upstairs today and did 3.1 miles on the treadmill.  I hate treadmills - so that can mean only one thing - the weather really sucks out there.  I'm pretty tired of this cold 'polar vortex' shit.  Not only that, but the run - pathetic as it was - left me pretty burnt out.  Tomorrow will be better.  hopefully...

Sunday, January 05, 2014

Polar Vortex! Aggghhh!!!

Still not much on the running front or weight-loss front.  Cold/Ice and (tomorrow) rain will/has kept me from running.  Winters in NE are rough.  Tomorrow I may go and get my mit pool pass for the month and start swimming again.