Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Total mileage for the year is 775 (and counting).  That's actually a little low considering the two races i've trained for (half in the spring and full in the fall).  The spring season was particularly low - 304 miles from including the entire first half of the year.  It did include 8 weeks where 0 miles were run - most due to the extreme snowfall last winter and some due to my left knee injury following the half.

The fall was a bit more consistent and has 472 miles total with a solid median of 21 miles/week.  Also, I focused pretty heavy on cross-training for the full marathon - and didn't really have the huge weeks as a result.

Racing was good this year.  I managed 6 races.  Back in the day I would rank my races, and here is how I'd stack them up this year.  Number 1 needs to be the Baystate marathon.  I failed to hit my goal, but did manage a new PR and the training did get me back running strong again.  Number 2 I'd put down as the battlegreen 10K.  It was pretty close to my fastest 10k and I felt very strong for that race.  Third place I'm giving to the yulefest 5k since it's my second fastest 5k ever - even though the race itself is a little hipstery.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Closing out the year.

Made it out for two runs on Monday and Wednesday.  I also managed to pop in the yoga and strength DVDs, so 4 workouts.  A solid week.  I'll look forward to a few more runs next week, but may shut it down for a week or so after that.  Still feel like the legs need a break.  Knee was sore today, left ankle bone has been bugging me, and back has been sore.  Would shut it down alredy but weather has been great for NE.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Yulefest in Cambridge.

Unofficial results: 21:22 - one second off of my all time fastest 5k.  Not bad for 44.  A overcast but mild day.  I had severe PF pain before the race, but my knees felt ok.  I started fast, as I always do in 5ks.  Past the first mile just under 6:30.  Started hurting a bit during mile two, but managed to click by the 2 mile mark at 13.  Mile 3 really hurt, I just try and focus on leg turnover and pumping my arms.  The finish is nice because you can see the clock and the church spire at Harvard square as you come up the street.  I knew I was running a decent time so I really tried to keep the pace solid through the finish.  Nice thing about these short races is your body feels good after, not like the marathon at all.  A nice flat fast race to end the season.

Tuesday, December 08, 2015

And the Streak is Done...

Not going out today.  I felt like I had a dozen different pains in my foot and legs today.  I think I'm going to have to back off this week and then shut it down for a few weeks.  Not ideal - but, this is what i usually do in the winter anyway.  Need to get healthy.  I don't think i have any major injuries, just a bunch of over use ones that are not going away.  It has to be done.

Monday, December 07, 2015

Streak Hits 8.

Did a real run today - 4.7 miles.  Absolutely great weather today, unfortunately I struggled the whole way.  Ended up doing it in 38 minutes which is an ok pace, but that was probably my most sluggish run in a long, long, time.  Not sure what the culprit is, the lower calories? the streak?  lack of sleep?  stress?  wasn't the best weekend, so maybe it is just my body complaining.  I'm seriously dragging at work today.  blah.

Saturday, December 05, 2015

Yulefest Eve!

Tomorrow is my last race of the year.  One of my main goals was to run more races and this will be #6 - so i can check that box.  The last race is the yulefest 5K at harvard sq.  It's one of those hipster drinkfest races - which is fine (i do like to drink!) - but I'm hoping to run fast and head home.  Yesterday I did the normal loop including 3 miles at tempo pace - which yesterday was 7:25, 7:24 and 7:17.  It may have been faster than that - but a little shorter - as I wasn't paying attention when the first mile started; and I only timed miles, not 'laps'.  Doesn't really matter.  I think I can go out pretty hard tomorrow and run a pretty good race.

Update: race is next week!  Doh!  Kept streak alive with 2.1 easy miles near havad.  Worked out Ken when I got home.

Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Streak reaches three.

did my first 1 mile streak run yesterday, and did a short three miler today.  Legs are sore, which is pathetic.  But hey- streak...