Thursday, April 26, 2007

9 miles and a figure-8

Well, I couldn't manage a run into, or from work due to car troubles - so I decided to do my long run at lunch since it's the last long run for awhile. I started out going north and east down the bitch and came back to the starting gate moving clockwise (~ 4 miles), then I did the bottom loops moving counter-clockwise (~ 5 miles). Probably my best run of the year. The pacing was excellent (taken every 2-miles: 7:33, 7:37, 7:46, 7:53 and 7:36 for the last mile) and the average pace was on target: 7:41 - I was hoping for 7:45-7:50 - but was worried that I'd miss it after the poor run two weeks ago. And for once the weather was perfect - 50s, light breeze and sunny - great running weather.

For the week that gives me over 25 miles and next week I can scale back with less intervals and a shorter tempo runs (4-5 miles at a 7:20-7:30 pace).

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

More x400s

Today was the last of the 400 meter intervals. I ended up doing 11 on accident (was aiming for 10 - but lost count) at a 6:10 min/mile pace. These hurt - but I'm happy with the outcome and the pacing, especially considering the undulating surface. On top of that, I've completed 3 straight days of running (did 4.5 slow with Dave and Larry Yesterday) and covered over 15 miles.

I'll take a few days off before trying another long run home - aiming for sub-8:00 min/mile pace and then next week I start on the x600 intervals.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Clamdigger 2007

Since I missed last weeks 'long run' I decided to take the girls out to yesterdays WTAC Clamdigger race. I did an extra mile at the begining then pushed the girls for the next 40 minutes and 26 seconds to complete the 27th annual race. Overall race pace was 8:12 - and it felt hard - very hard. Luckily the weather was nice and both Julia and Elena behaved well - considering they were stuck in car or stroller seats for the better part of 3 hours.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

More x400 Intervals

I was lucky to have company today - Chris and I did 9x400 intervals at a 6:12 pace (most were ~6:00, the last 2 were uphill and a little slower). That's 2 more than I was capable of doing last week - hopefully I can get 10-12 next week. I'm thinking I'll only do one more run this week- another jog in on Thursday morning.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Long Run In

Today I ran into work - a 9.6 mile jog at a slowish 8:20 pace. My hope was to do 6-8 miles at a ~7:40 pace, but after 4 miles I really died. I don't know if it was the morning start or the difficult tempo run Wednesday - but that run didn't feel very good at all.

Total for the week: 17.3 miles.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Four Miles, Poor Pacing

I did four miles today at a 'good' 7:17 min/mile clip, although my pacing was poor. I actually would have preferred to have hit consistent 7:30s. Mile-by-mile: 7:37, 7:07, 7:07 and 7:17. It's a tricky rout because the second mile is mostly down-hill and the third mile is mostly flat - so I'm having trouble not pushing the pace then. Friday, I'd like to get six miles in at a 7:40 pace. I'll have to figure out if I want to do a straight six at lunch - or do the six as the middle six of my run home, which is ~9.5+

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Ugly Day

A bad day at work, as the people shredding continues...
...I decided to go out anyway since skipping a run isn't going to help anyone who just lost their job - I decided to bag the hills and start my speed work for the JP Morgan run in NYC. The weather continues to be cold and windy and my back is still sore, but I managed ~1 mile warmup, then did 7x400 intervals at an average pace of 5:58. So far so good.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Good Friday, Good Run

I did an 8 mile long run today at an 8:05 pace. The weather was cold and windy - so I decided to do 2 clockwise loops down toward the water. The first 2 miles were at an easy 7:54 pace. Then I ran into Dave (who's still recovering from Lyme Disease) and came up Eastern Point at an 8:48 pace - so the first 4 miles were ~8:20 min/mile. Dave dropped off at the gate as I started my second loop, I did the first mile at 8:15, then started my pickup at mile 5. I was able to push for 1.64 miles at a 7:08 pace before stopping. I counted the last 2 'laps' based on uphill (0.91 miles at 8:46) and downhill (0.46 miles at 7:24) - but it's basically 8:20 pace.

For the week, I've managed to log 16 miles. I need to squeeze in a ten mile run home next week, since I want to start with the 7:40 paced 'long' runs the week after (which will initially be shorter, ~6 miles).

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

3rd Hill Workout

Today was the third hill workout. The weighted average pace continued to decrease: 7:22. My back feels very sore though. I'm considering doing a run home either Thursday or Friday - depending on weather.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Easy Monday Run

Did a social 4.4 today with Dave and Larry under overcast skies and cool temperatures. The calf felt a little tender at the end - hopefully I can get the hills in tomorrow. Overall pace: 8:23.

In link news, Drivl has funny article on the 25 worst Div-I mascots. I was a little afraid Louie may have snuck in, but I need not worry. I never realized how sad the Harvard mascot is - wow.

Runners World has two nice articles: one on Groton's own John J. Kelly and another on Katherine Switzer's groundbreaking trot through Boston - written by her. I don't think they have online links though...