20 Second Intervals
The weather was another great winter running day. I did Jupiter, and back up the same way. My lower back was a little sore during the run. The legs felt good. Sadly, the intervals actually felt difficult - I know - 20 seconds, how the hell!?!? The good thing about 20 second ints though, they are short enough to really run balls out - and you can do a lot of them.
I should also mention that the 200 situp/100 pushup thing has me up to 109 situps (over 5 sets) and 71 pushups (also over 5 sets). Although still early in the training plan - that's well over the 48/24 situp/pushup sets I was doing - only ~10 days in. That's pretty crazy.
Men's Health is interesting. I was reading it while at the Mystic Library with my children - killing time as they played. It was like runner's world - but with a lot more articles on how to get your wife to have sex with you in the middle of the workout/lose weight articles. Observe, even the tag is um...: