Stonington Bearathon
I signed up for this one - I thought it was 'beerathon'. Turned out to be 5k race around Mason's Island. I finished in 21:40 - good for a 7:00 min/mile pace. I felt horrible - I think I have a mold allergy. And, although it wasn't hot out - the humidity must've been pushing 100%. I started at 7:00 min/mile pace and new I was in trouble after the 1/2 mile mark - I felt the legs starting to get sore and very sluggish. It's been a weird allergy - it doesn't really knock me out - but certainly keeps me from feeling good. Hopefully I can shake it by Friday. I hit 1 mile at about 7 min/mile pace and 2 miles a little over 14 minutes. Then I really struggled for the last mile - I could feel my back really tightening up - but managed to hold the 7 pace till the end. It's actually a little encouraging - not having your best and clicking off 7s. Results are already in! Great job Snerro dudes. It's funny - 2010 was all about redemption - not a single bad race, 2 PRs. 2011 is starting to feel like a bit of a struggle. Hopefully I'll be able to get healthy and go on a role.
Labels: race