Thursday, January 26, 2017

Ski and Run

Last weekend we made it skiing again - up to Crotched mountain in NH.  The good: shorter trip (1.5 hours), zero lift lines - unreal for the weekend and some interesting runs.  The bad - some serious ice and a little rain in the afternoon.  But it was skiing.  Legs were hurting after lunch.  This next week we're doing 2 days at mt. snow - so hopefully my wimpy legs will hold up.

Ran Monday morning - only 3.2 miles.  Then I did my first run from/to work last night and this morning - about 4.1 each way.  All slow runs - but better than nothing.  Last year I was hitting the swimming hard and doing about 9 miles/week over 2 runs (probably esplenade runs).  I knew with the job change that I wouldn't be able to swim as easily.  I know arsenal has a pool - maybe need to look into swimming there...

Friday, January 20, 2017

Short Runs

Still finding my footing with work and the new commute.  I've taken to running in the morning.  The first morning - Tuesday - I  left at 6:45 and realized I didn't have much time - so I ran about 2.6 miles - kinda lame.  I then started earlier - 6:35 and ran until 7:05 - managing my longest run of 3.6 miles.  not real great.  So I started even earlier today, 6:20, but realized I needed to wake my youngest up for 'math morning' and only managed 3.3 miles.  I'm hoping to crank out a 5 or 6 miler tomorrow. 

My new digs have me in Watertown.  I think the most famous celebrity is Faith from Buffy the vampire slayer.  Haven't seen her hanging at the Arsenal mall - or on my runs...

Saturday, January 14, 2017

New Digs

Had my last run Tuesday and last day at big blue - followed closely by my new job the next 3 days.  No lunch runs yet - but looks like i may be able to get out.  I may start by doing the commute runs until I can find someone to head out with.  Today I ran for the first time in my new racing flats.  I did about 2 miles warmup - then a 800, 1600, 800 intervals.  I clicked them off at 3:20, 6:40, 3:20 - almost exactly.  The flats felt good running - but feet do feel a little sore now.  I'll have to deploy them carefully.  I do want to do another run or two before I try the st pattys day run.  which i need to sign up for soon. 

almost 11 years on blogspot!  that is a lot of running and blogging (and drinking).

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Final run around the esplanade - for now...

I did my last normal lunch run with Larry today.  Really hard - probably the hardest thing to say goodbye to.  We ran yesterday as well.  4.5 each day - kinda easy pace.  I always appreciated the luxury of doing my fitness at lunch - and will soon find out how this plays out in the future.

Thursday, January 05, 2017

Science Mile

So in groton we used to do the 'sneaker's mile' - yesterday we did a 1.4 mile pickup starting at the science museum.  I only have the pacing for the last mile - it was about 7:17.  It felt a lot harder than that - but maybe that is because I did the 0.4 miles before i tracked the mile.  In any case a good follow on effort to the intervals on Monday.  4.6 miles total and 10.8 for the week.  Only a few more Pfe runs...

Monday, January 02, 2017

New Year Intervals

Today I started my 2017 training by hitting the track. I hope to do this every week or two until March - and try and work on my speed.  I did: 200, 400, 800, 1600, 400 and 200.  It is a variation on the other ladder I do; where I skipped two 600s and used a 1600 instead.  I did the 1600 in about 6:30 and I managed a 6:46 average pace for the 2.25 miles.  Not shabby - considering I haven't ran intervals in a few months.  I was motivated enough to buy two pairs of shoes.  I got another pair of constant ones - since I don't like the twos.  I also got a pair of mizuno racing flats - since i've never tried those.