Thursday, May 31, 2007
Today I did a 4.3 miler which included a 2.84 mile tempo run at a 7:05 pace. The uphill mile killed me again (7:24), while the first mile (6:54) and last fraction (6:51) were in my '10-k' pace range. Next week I'll bump up the tempo-run mileage to 3.5 and try and keep it close to 7:00. Total milage for the week was a little over 13.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Conn College Track Workouts

I did my third track workout with the team yesterday at the Conn College track. I was suppose to do 4x1600s, but mistakenly only did 3 laps on the 3rd set - so I ended up with 3.75 miles...kinda stupid, but no big deal. Average pace was 6.37 - which is *very* close to the 6.35 goal pace.
Also did ~4 miles slow with the wife yesterday as a leg stretcher. The next workout will be 3 miles at sub 7:00 pacing either Thursday or Friday, as I begin my four week Tempo run stretch.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Final HMP Tempo Run
I finished the second 'stage' today of my training program with a 5 mile 'long' tempo run at a 7:16 pace. The pacing was, as usual, poor for the Easterpoint route: 6:57, 7:04, 7:15, 7:29 and 7:34. Although the last 2 miles were tough, I'm not very disappointed since (1) they were mostly uphill, (2) it was hot and muggy, (3) the first 3 miles were near the pace I want to run 3 miles next week - so I feel pretty good about that run (should feel easier), and (4) overall 7:16 is in my good range for a half-marathon pace. Totals for the week, like last week: 15 miles.
In other life news, my second daughter turns one today (well, yesterday - but we're celebrating today), and Star Wars turns 30 - a great link about a Star Wars virgin. I love his comment about Alec Guinness - talk about adding insta-credibility to the movie - I wonder if it'd be as popular today if not for him???
In other life news, my second daughter turns one today (well, yesterday - but we're celebrating today), and Star Wars turns 30 - a great link about a Star Wars virgin. I love his comment about Alec Guinness - talk about adding insta-credibility to the movie - I wonder if it'd be as popular today if not for him???
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
5x1200 Intervals
Yesterday after work was the second track workout for the team. Oddly, I was the fastest one out there. I did 5x1200s at an average pace of 6:34 min/mile. It was a beautiful day for running and I'm very happy with the pacing again - exactly where I wanted to be. This was the toughest set of intervals yet - they felt hard but doable the whole time.
Monday I did 4.5 'easy' with Larry and Steve. We started out slowish: 8:08, 7:46, 7:51 for the first 3 miles, then finished a little faster: 7:33 and a 6:42 pace for the final 1/2-mile. The average pace for the whole run was 7:42 min/mile. A decent run, although the push at the end probably wasn't smart.
Monday I did 4.5 'easy' with Larry and Steve. We started out slowish: 8:08, 7:46, 7:51 for the first 3 miles, then finished a little faster: 7:33 and a 6:42 pace for the final 1/2-mile. The average pace for the whole run was 7:42 min/mile. A decent run, although the push at the end probably wasn't smart.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Twilight Trail Run at Bluff Point State Park
I did the Twilight Trail Run last night at Bluff Point - a beutiful spot, but some unpleasant weather. The temperature was cool (~50s for mid-May) with rain a wind. I completed the 7.4 mile course in 55:39 - good for a 7:32 pace. My mile splits were: 7:21, 7:31, 7:57, 7:54, 7:23, 7:32, 7:13 and 7:12 (2:46 min) for the last 0.4 mile. I wanted to run even splits - but the 3rd and 4th miles are very difficult - hills and tricky footing downhills. I felt like I did well for the 5th and 6th miles and then pushed hard for the last 1.4 miles - but failed to pass most of the people I thought I'd be picking off. In all, a good LT type of training run.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
100th Post!
I must be running consistently - 100 posts in a little over a year. I'll keep it short: 4+ w/ Larry on Monday ~7:50 and 8x400s with the team at the Conn.College track Tuesday. This was fun - nice to do a track workout - average pace was 6:01 according to the GPS. Big race Friday at Bluff Point - maybe a muddy trail with PM rain expected. Hopefully it'll be the feel good type of rain.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Muggy Tempo Run

Nothing like a 5.4 mile tempo run in 100% humidity. My goal was around 7:20 with negative splits - since my early pacing has been pretty poor. I wanted to go out somewhat easy, but not so slow that I wouldn't get the time back. I ended up with: 7:31, 7:12, 7:30, 7:27, 7:20 and 7:16 [for the last 0.4 miles], for an average pace of 7:24. I'm actually very happy with that - since it is negative splits on a course that's difficult to achieve that - especially with the mostly downhill second mile and the mostly uphill 5th mile. I think if the weather had been a little easier I could've achieved the sub 7:20s, but I'll give up 4 seconds/mile on a hot day anytime.
Next we should be fun: track workouts Tuesday afterwork and the Twilight Trail Run on Friday.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
5x600 Intervals
Another easy interval day. 5x600 at an average pace of 6:10 min/mile. Nice sunny day. Monday I did 4.36 miles at an easy 8:11 pace with Dave, Larry and Jotham. Thursday or Friday I'll be doing 5-6miles at a 7:20 goal pace. Could hurt.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
First 1/2-Marathon Pace 'Long' Run
Today I did my first 1/2-marathon paced 'long' run of this build phase. The pace should have been between 7:10 and 7:20 min/mile and I finished the 4.72 miles at a 7:12 pace which is excellent. It did feel difficult, but I have about 8 second to give on pace as a move the mileage up next week to between 5 and 6 miles. The per/mile pacing was even also: 7:13, 7:04, 7:17, 7:12 and 7:16. I think next week, I'd like to try and get the first mile in between 7:20 and 7:30 so that I have negative splits for once.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Easy Intervals
One of the things I like about the trick yourself fit plan is the relatively easy weeks during the builds - that's what this week is. Monday I did 4.5 easy miles with Larry and Dave, and yesterday I did the 3x600s by myself. My mind was incapable of adding .375 miles so I actually did 693, 555 and 643 meter intervals at a weighted average pace of 6:06 min/mile. These felt easy. Next this week is 4-5 miles at a 1/2-marathon pace (7:20-7:10). I suspect this will feel challenging, but doable. This distance is suppose to build to 7.4 miles during the twilight trail run - which I think will be a lot harder to keep under 7:20 - but it gives something to shoot for.