So I had a nice uneventful week heading into the yesterday's ramble. And my limited 10k training paid off with a decent, though unspectacular, time. I'm going to go with my strava/gps time, since it is faster, of 44:03 - 7:03 pace. Although, that should be a 7:06 pace if the distance was accurate. Anyway - the race started out well. My goal was to run about 7:10 the first 2 miles and pick it up. Of course, I went out to fast - aided by a net downhill 6:53 and 7:04. I tried to keep the pace dialed back a bit for the next two: 7:07 and 7:25 - probably a little too slow on that 4th mile. It was the mile with the most, albiet small, uphill portions. Nevertheless, I managed to have some gas left in the tank for the last two - which was my main goal - and did 6:50 and 7:00 the last two miles. So pretty good - the 5th and 6th miles were my 1st and 3rd fastest of the race. I wrote last week that the goal was maybe 7:10 - and I managed that. A little off the battlegreen 10k from 18 months ago - but not a crash and burn race.
The pacing does give me some confidence going into next fall's half. I think I should be capable of doing something in the 7:30 or below - if I can pick a decent course (maybe bay state?). About a month until the track mile. Hopefully there, I can set a PR. One potential problem may be the heat. We were pretty lucky last year - but early June may be a bit rough. We'll see.