Friday, November 30, 2007

10x400s at Lunch

Today, I continued my efforts to stay fitter/faster over the winter months by dragging Larry through 10x400s today. It worked out well - I think he actually enjoyed it. Our average pacing through the first 9 intervals was 6:09 min/mile, with an 6:18 average overall (the last one was mostly up hill). Next week I'll try the 5x1000s - but I'm pretty sure I'll be doing those solo - tough to convince people those are fun.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

3rd Swim

Last night I did a swim at the Y. Not much to say other than it covered ~1000 yard/meters and took a little less than 1/2-hour. I did cut down on the rest period between intervals and did the 200 first - which made the 100s feel hard. It's starting to feel like a running workout - which is probably good.

Monday, November 26, 2007

How to Describe?

How to describe today's run? I went out fairly slow with Larry and Jim V., for a good 3 miles, then ran a faster final 1.6 miles (mostly uphill grade). I didn't have a GPS, but I'd guess the pace was 8+ for the first 3 and then ~7:30 for the last part. I guess I'll call it a tempo, even though it wasn't for long enough. I'll try and hit the pool Wednesday night and then do some intervals at the Conn College track either Thursday or Friday after work.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Runs on the Jewel

For Thanksgiving we went on a cruise of the Caribbean. I managed to get two runs in: one on Monday and one on Wednesday. The Monday one wasn't very good. I did one mile on the outside 'jogging track' which was packed with people, kids and slow walkers. Then I went inside to the packed gym and did about 4 more miles at about an 8:20 pace. So the total mileage was good, the workout was choppy. Wednesday was much better. I went directly to the gym and did 3.4 miles in 25 minutes. Although the mileage was short, the pacing was progressive - I did the first mile in 8:33, the second in 7:30 and was sub seven for the last 1.4 miles. It felt great.

Having said that, I was really disappointed with the track, I wouldn't call NCLs Jewel a very running friendly ship. Fortunately the food, kid pools and family made it a great Thanksgiving vacation. Now back to work and cold weather runs for 5 months.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Two More...

Today I ran ~4.5 miles with Larry at work at ~8:10. Sunday I'm off on a cruise with the family. I plan on running 2 or 3 times, but no blogging.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Trail Run Number 3

Tuesday I left work early-ish (3:30) and did 5.4 miles at Bluff Point at a 8:20 pace (45 min). Then, last night at the YMCA I did about ~900 in the pool (30 min). I'm feeling pretty good - although both workout were pretty low intensity. Today or tomorrow I'll do my 8x90 second hill repeats - I'm sure that'll feel intense.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Today's Run > DNF > DNS

DNS [did not start] is how I felt about today's run going into it. Today was the first day that I could tell it was going to feel cold out: 46deg and enough of a breeze at the shore to make it feel colder. But I made it out and managed to get all my 4 minute (~ 1km) intervals in at a decent pacing: 6:34, 6:36, 6:24, 6:33 and 7:16. The last one was, as always, uphill. Average pace: 6:40.

Unlike most runs, I can't say it improved my mood or made me feel better. It was more about gutting it out and making me realize that 2 tough runs/week is still 2 tough runs per week - and now in cold weather. Oh well, hopefully I get used to it.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

First Night Swim

Last night I did my first night swim. I planned on doing this workout, but the first 50 meters felt a bit difficult - so I just did 50s with 10-20 second breaks - and focused on my form for about 20 minutes. Then I did 2 100s, a few more 25s and called it a night after 30 minutes. For reference, the first goal is:

100 for 12 breaths...repeat 3 times.
50 for 8 breaths...repeat 3 times.
25 for 4 breaths...repeat 3 times.

Then, once that's comfortable, I'll add in the 200, and so on...I don't really have a distance goal, but I'd like to feel comfortable swimming for about 45-50 minutes - which I suppose will eventually put me at around 1 mile.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Tarzan Brown Run

Today was the Tarzan Brown Mystic River Run. I was worried that I'd lost a step since last year, but I finished in 37:21 - 6 seconds faster than last year and good for a pace of 6:47. Considering my troubles pacing this year, I couldn't be happier with this run: 6:40, 6:52, 6:27, 6:51, 6:57 (1/2 mile) and 6:33 for the final mile. I knew going into the last mile and 1/2 that I was more or less going to break the 7:00 min/mile mark, so I was able to relax and bring it in strong.

The weather was perfect, the course was great and people turned out in droves. The local newspaper even has a story. Since they archive it (and make it a 'login' feature), I'll do some copying and pasting here:

There were residents sitting on stoops and standing in yards, people lined up, filling both sidewalks to enjoy what will be one of the last great days of autumn.

And somewhere, Tarzan Brown was smiling.

In what is as much a social gathering as a race, the 32nd annual Tarzan Brown Mystic River Run went off without a hitch. More than 700 runners participated and were treated to legendary local icon Johnny Kelley, who served as guest starter.

Soon after the 76-year old Kelley, the 1957 Boston Marathon winner, wished the runners good luck, he quickly ducked into a nearby front yard to take in the atmosphere of the day.

“This race is associated more with pure fun and one last good day of weather for so many people,” Kelley said.

It's also associated with Brown, the two-time Boston Marathon winner who would have relished a day like Sunday.

“This race went together nicely when Tarzan was alive,” Kelley said. “He was such a social person. This race in his honor is such a nice tie-in. He'd have been happy to know people were having such a good time. He always had an active social life.”

I'll be back to training probably Wednesday. I going to try and make it to the YMCA pool a few times/month during the winter. Here is my tentative winter training schedule:

Tempo = Threshold, metabolic fitness - increase speed and endurance.
Intervals = Increase running economy, speed and some endurance benefits.
Hills = Strength and endurance.
Distance = endurance.
Trail = mix of hills (strength) and endurance
Swimming = strength in upper body and core, improved breathing and injury prevention.
Biking = strength in legs and lungs, injury prevention.

Like last year, I'm going to try and cut-down on the running - but unlike last year, I'm going to try and maintain some intensity - and add in more swimming, biking and fun things like the trail run and speed work. We'll see how it goes.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Easy Intervals

My last workout before the Tarzan Brown Race was this morning. I did 7x400 (with the last one uphill) - average pace was 6:08 - pretty good - hopefully it'll carry over until Sunday.