Sunday, July 29, 2012

Going Swimmingly

So yesterday I did my first 'long' run in about 10 weeks.  I ran about 2.5 miles down to Cambridge's 'Fresh Pond', ran the loop and then back home (with a few missed turns).  It took about 63 minutes at what I'm guessing was a pretty slow pace - so probably a little over 7.  It was a beautiful morning - although a little humid.  I felt like I had a little trouble the rest of the day - maybe a little dehydrated.  Anyway - felt good to 'go long' again.  I'll try and hit the track tomorrow night for x200s.  Should be able to break out 35-40 seconds/per.  Some endurance yesterday, some speed tomorrow.  I did the 67 minute Bob Harper workout today in my 90% humidity basement.  It's always been a great workout: painful during, feels great after.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Great Workouts and the Olympics.

I had a frustrating week at work, but I managed to cap it off with a nice night of riding around and swimming.  Now I'm kicking back - enjoying a beer - and watching the Olympic opening stuff.  Looking a bit phalic right now - with all the smoke stacks going up and sweaty men.  Hopefully the spice girls show up soon.  Today's milage on the bike started with 2 miles into Alewife, then 2 more miles to BL's house, 2 more to Upper Mystic lake, 2 more back, 1 to get beer and 2 more back home.  The swim was about 18 minutes - I'm thinking around 500-700 meters - but it's hard to say.  Gorgeous night out there...looking a little thomas the train engine-ish now...oh, what's that?  the beetles?  splendid!  "fire! fire! fire!  lots of sideburns.

Tomorrow - running to Fresh Pond.  Should be about 7.5 miles round trip.  I should manage about 3.5-4 hours total working out - which isn't bad considering I only have/had 3 days of actual working out.  If I manage to get the miles in, it'll represent the first time in 10 weeks that I'll have run that type of distance.  Gotta love relo.  Then it's onto the 'honey do' list.

James Bond!  Spice Girls can't be far off now!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Back on Track.

Tough start to the week.  Sunday - party, no workout.  Monday - blistering hot, no workout.  Tuesday - even more heat, but a late afternoon thunderstorm cooled things off, so I did 24 minutes of strength workout, then 34 minutes of running which included a humid 4x400 at the Arlington high track (which is really nice!).  I'll attempt some easy biking tomorrow, more intense biking Thursday and maybe a long run Saturday morning.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Figuring Things Out.

Some pretty hectic weeks still.  Figuring things out.  This week saw: 67 minutes of strength, short bike ride, hot-humid run in Groton (the old loop!), bike into/from work - including stepping through dozens of downed trees from Wednesday's microburst.  And finally today - my first run from home.  Crazy hills, but I think I found two runs that should work for me:  a loop over to Summer st and the Spy Pond loop.  The Summer st. loop needs to be flipped.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Man vs. Commute

So the first few weeks of work have been long on work and short on working out.  Since my last update - I've managed to bike into work 3 full times and 2 half times out of 8 possible days - that's not a bad ratio.  It would be even better - but the weather has been so hot I turn into a pool of sweat.  I also managed one run last week (4 miles) and should get in a 5 miler tomorrow in Groton.  I also managed my first Sunday workout since the move - a solid 67 minutes with Bob.  Hurt bad yesterday - hopefully I can keep it up.

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

A Run. A Race.

My first run in 16 days.  I wonder how far back I'd have to go to say that again?  And what a run it was.   My first race since the Philly marathon found me in Concord Mass for the minuteman 5 miler.  The day started rainy - my 8 year old daughter did her first race in the rain - a 1 mile affair - which served as my warm up.  The five miler started in a drizzle which quickly gave way to a hot/humid run.  A peeled off the first 2 miles in ~14 minutes.  The third was at about 21:10 - but I knew then I needed to slow because of the heat.  I straggled in at 36:15 (7:15) pace - not bad for my first running action in a while.

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Summer Schedule.

So after  6 weeks of fairly 'unstructured' and/or non-existent training - I'm just beginning to think about a schedule for the remainder of the summer.  What are my priorities?  Biking - mainly because of the 13 mile round trip commute.  Strength - because I need it and yoga - because I realized I have no flexibility.  Running at work I can't do - so I need to find some time somewhere.  I'm thinking 2 runs a week - one speed work and 1 long run.  Maybe 2 bikes/week; strength and long on weekends.  Slug runs during the week once we get showers.